Webber Çin GP'ye Son Sıradan Başlayacak!






Mark Webber has been put to the back of the Chinese Grand Prix grid as his Red Bull could not provide sufficient fuel for the mandatory FIA sample after qualifying.

The Australian stopped on the circuit during Q2 when his car ran into fuel pressure problems, which the team put down to an issue with a fuel bowser.

Webber was classified 14th in qualifying but said at the time he suspected it would be difficult to get through the fuel sample test in the circumstances.

“It was a lack of fuel pressure so I couldn’t get back, so we stopped the car and qualifying was over before it started really,” he said.

A statement from the Shanghai stewards said Red Bull conceded it did not have enough fuel on board.

“The team admitted it had not put sufficient fuel in the car. As specified in the technical delegate’s report (Document 21), only 150ml of fuel was on board, which was insufficient to provide the one-litre sample and drive the car back to the pits under its own power.”

The F1 technical regulations stipulate tha


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