Pat Symonds says Williams has everything it needs to thrive in F1



Williams chief technical officer Pat Symonds insists his new team has everything it needs to thrive if he can provide the right technical leadership.

Symonds, who left his post as Marussia technical consultant last month, started work at Williams on Monday and is attending his first race weekend with the team.

He believes that the key to Williams improving its form is improving the processes employed by the team both at the factory and at tracks.

“The fundamentals of the team are there,” said Symonds.

“It’s a very well-equipped team and there are some very good people in it.

“The analogy I often use is it’s like the conductor of an orchestra. We’ve got some very good instrumentalists in our orchestra and we need to get them timed together, playing the same tune.

“A lot of what I would like to do at Williams is to look at the process rather than the detail and that process can have an effect reasonably quickly.”

Symonds would not comment on whether he believes the team needs to recruit further senior technical personnel.

He suggested that he is happy with the team but AUTOSPORT understands that Williams has been evaluating ways to bolster its aerodynamic strength.

“The first thing to remember is that I’ve been there four days,” he said when asked by AUTOSPORT about whether he planned to recruit further personnel in key positions.

“It is very much first impressions, but those first impressions are that it’s a team with fabulous facilities, it’s a great factory with most of the equipment that we need and a lot of very good people.”

Symonds warned that he cannot have an instant impact on the team’s form, although he does hope that improving processes can help it to get the best out of its troubled 2013 car.

“There are still updates to come to the car; a new front wing, some bodywork, some major upgrades but of course they are things that are already well in the pipeline and not things that I will be influencing,” he said.

“My job is to look at the process and determine how we get performance out of the car and I hope that will have some influence this year.

“But it’s not a five-minute job and I think we will see a lot more in 2014.”


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