Symonds, Formula 1'in Gidişatından Memnun



That is the view of former Renault technical director Pat Symonds, who said at the AUTOSPORT International Show on Friday that he is genuinely exited about the direction that new rules are taking the sport over the next few years.

“Is that [the moveable rear wing] good or not? I don’t know,” he said. “What I am pleased to see is people being broad minded to try something like this – and it is a good bit of lateral thinking.

“The sport has been too conservative in the past, and that is because in the past one team was always able to veto the rules. With FOTA that has changed and now there is majority rule – so if 70 percent of teams think something should happen it goes. So let’s see how it works.”

There has already been some scepticism about how effective the moveable rear wing will be – and also that it could make overtaking so easy that it turns the races into a lottery.

Symonds says it is too early to judge what its impact will be, but thinks it will almost certainly throw F1 strategy up in the air.

“The thing I worry about is that if you are close to someone on the last lap, then you want to be behind them rather than in front of them as it is almost a given you will lose the position. That will have a big impact on race strategy.

“Overtaking should not be too easy. It should be like a goal in football – not a basket in basketball.

One regulation overhaul that Symonds thinks the sport should reconsider is the budget cap – because he thinks that would help open the way for more technical innovation.

“F1 needs to have that technical image – and it is a very important part of the DNA.

“The current F1 cars all looks the same. F1 is so sophisticated, so if you opened up the regulations, and put a budget cap on it, then you would not have teams going out of business.

“Can you police it? Of course you can. Every company has to produce accounts to the tax office and Companies’ House each year. So, if you follow proper accounting principals, of course you can do it.


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