


FIA president Jean Todt and F1’s commercial boss Bernie Ecclestone are to meet with the 12 team bosses on October 23 to try and agree a future path for the sport.

There are a number of issues on which F1’s stakeholders are not in agreement – including governance matters relating to the F1 Commission, a dramatic rise in the entry fees and cost control in the future.

Sauber CEO Monisha Kaltenborn hopes that the get-together will be productive and allow the sport to move forwards in a positive fashion.

“I think it is very important because we have to understand a few developments and know where we are standing right now,” she explained.

“There is so much being said and so much being written that we as teams, who we think are the major players in this, because we are the ones doing the performance and who are the basis for creating fantastic sport, should all really know with the other stakeholders where do we stand now.”

Kaltenborn said that matters relating to future governance were just as important to the teams as the entry fee rise.

“They are both important issues,” she said. “You cannot just look at one aspect. We are here in a business and a sport, so you have to look at both. I could not rate one more important than the other.

“There are so many issues that are outstanding. Therefore it is really important to sit down together and to know where we are exactly, which we don’t know yet.”


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